Perhaps the most neglected portion of any website is your media gallery. A quick glance through the files often reveals a confusing collection of old photos, out-of-date documents, and multiple copies of the same file. Regardless of what software your website is built in, here are a few tips that will help you keep your media organized and useful. Use … Read More
Website forms & emails: how to avoid & fix problems
If you’ve ever had problems receiving emails sent to you from your website forms, it’s probably because of a very common problem. When your website sends an email, it uses your domain as the sending address (… Anyone receiving that email outside of your organization will see that “from” address and know it’s from you. But when your website tries … Read More
5 reasons why nobody cares about your nonprofit
Yes, it’s true. They don’t care. It’s not their fault. Here’s why they don’t care and what you can do about it.
If we’re so good at what we do, why do we look so bad?
Are you frustrated that, despite many years of service, innovative and successful programming, and community betterment, your website, brochures or newsletters are confusing, out-of-date or just don’t tell your story in a compelling way?