Animal Medical Center of Mid-America
Caring for Pets

uniting a brand
Animal Medical Center of Mid-America (AMCMA) is a nonprofit veterinary clinic operated by Humane Society of Missouri. In addition to work to create a 100 Year tag to their previously existing logo, we were tasked with redesigning the look and feel of their website to unify it with HSMO's brand. We rebuilt the site using the same content management tools as HSMO's other sites in order to simplify site maintenance for their staff. The home page focuses on their most popular services, their team of veterinarians, and makes it easy for visitors to make appointments.

all of HSMO's websites feature a "brand bar" which gives visitors quick links to their different sites

the website utilizes the HSMO "brand bar" to help unify their portfolio of sites

the appointment link triggers a popup that makes contact options highly visible

we adapted their existing logo with a 100th Anniversary logo