Camp for All Kids
Camp changes lives

Helping a small organization build a brand
Camp for All Kids provides camperships to kids of color from under-served communities. After many years of unrestricted funding by one major donor, the organization found itself in need of fundraising materials to increase their donor base. We worked with them to build the entire brand including the logo, tagline, website, fundraising tools and special event materials.

annual report

the campers' stories say it best

We helped name and brand the Around the Campfire family event which later morphed into an adult-only fundraising event.

The Eight for 8 Club is an easy way for donors to start giving and honors the traditional 8 weeks of camp with a monthly $8 gift.

cover of fundraising brochure

applying the brand to all materials

retractable banner for events

end-of-year letters reach out to camp alumni

Over the years we've designed three different websites, upgrading to stay in line with technology.