Heifer international
A Celebration of Giving

sustainable help for families in Developing countries
Heifer International is famous for their holiday gift catalog which allows donors to pick a way to support a family in a developing country. Donations support families with the gift of livestock or agricultural products that provide both income and nutrition. We were honored to be chosen to design their 2021 catalog and associated donor materials. If you're shopping for a unique and memorable gift - check out Heifer's website!
Custom illustrations by Daniel Wiseman.

2022 Heifer International Gift Catalog

Donors can purchase gift cards to give as gifts so that their gift recipient can enjoy picking from the Heifer catalog.

Donors could use "honor cards" to let people know they made a donation in their name.

The 2021 catalogs were sent with a promotional insert encouraging donors to purchase gift cards and honor cards for impactful last-minute holiday giving.
Amy Spears
Donor Engagement Manager
Heifer International